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伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校                          博士后               2008-2010

华中农业大学   生物化学与分子生物学   博士       师从张启发院士     2001-2007                                                               

华中农业大学   生物技术 学士   1997- 2001


2021- 至今  副教授  9499www威尼斯

2010-2020   讲师    9499www威尼斯

发表文章 (一作或者通讯)

1. Yujun Xie#, Qiuping Shen#, Feifei Li, Jinsheng Yu*. Plant temperature response and heat tolerance in Rice: a review. Advances in Agronomy. (邀稿综述, in press 2021年影响因子 9.265).

2. Qiuping Shen#, Yujun Xie#, Xinzhe Qiu, Jinsheng Yu*. The era of cultivating smart rice with high light efficiency and heat tolerance has come of age. Frontiers in plant science. 10.3389/fpls.2022.1021203 ( 2021年影响因子 6.627).

3. Yujun Xie, Leiqian Sun, Jinsheng Yu*. MiR396f, a microRNA highly induced by high temperature stress, balances rice yield and quality. Plant Genomics in China XXI. Nanning, China, 2022, 53.

4. Xie Yujun#, Le keying#, Chen Xinyi, Qiu Xinzhe, Sun Leiqian, Jinsheng Yu*. Screening of new reference genes for qRT-PCR normalization in rice under heat stress. New Zealand Journal of Crop & Horticultural Science. https://doi.org/10.1080/01140671.2022.2072903 ( 2021年影响因子 1.094).

5. 於金生. 论人的灵感从哪里来——回答钱学森之问. 社会科学进展, 2021, 3(4 ): 408-414. (https://doi.org/10.35534/pss.0304031)

6. 汪秋丽, 李晓莉, 孙蕾茜, 於金生. 非生物胁迫下水稻 miR396 家族及靶基因 OsGRFs 的表达探究. 2021.1. 分子植物育种. (https://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/46.1068.s.20201231.1908.022.html.)

7. Yimin Zhang§, Jinsheng Yu§, Shuyu Lai, Jian Song, Dingnan Wang, Xiaomei Wu, Tingting Chai, Linjiang Pang*. Rapid determination of histamine level in seafood using read-out strips based on high-performance thin layer chromatography modified with self-visualization nanomaterials. Food Control. 2021 122, 107876.  (一区 2021年影响因子6.652)

8. Jinsheng YuMingquan Ding, Zitong Yu, Yurong Jiang, Wujun Ma, Junkang Rong*. Wild emmer chromosome arm substitution lines: useful resources for wheat genetic study and breeding. Crop Sci. https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20022. (三区 2021年影响因子2.763)

9. Jinsheng Yu§, Yunzheng Miao§, Siqing Yang, Zhaobin Shi, Nana Miao, Mingquan Ding, Hua Zhang, Yurong Jiang, and Junkang Rong*Identification and mapping of a photoperiod response gene (QPpd.zafu-4A) on wild emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) chromosome 4AL. Euphytica, 2019 215(9). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-019-2469-3. (三区 2021年影响因子2.185)

10. Yunzheng Miao, Siqing Yang, Yurong Jiang, Junkang Rong, Jinsheng Yu*. A genetic system on chromosome arm 1BL of wild emmer causes distorted segregation in common wheat. Journal of genetics 2018 97(5): 1421-1431. (四区 2020年影响因子1.508)

11. Yunzheng Miao, Chaonan Ye, Liyang Shen, Yuefen Cao, Jumin Tu, Jinsheng Yu*. Unique miRNome in heat tolerant indica rice var. HT54 seedlings. Ecological Genetics and Genomics 2018 7-8: 13-22.

12. Chun Fang, Lingling Dou, Yuanrui Liu, Jinsheng Yu*, Jumin Tu. Heat stress-responsive transcriptome analysis in heat susceptible and tolerant rice by high-throughput sequencing. Ecological Genetics and Genomics 2018 6: 33-40.

13. 叶超楠, 沈栎阳, 方春, 曹跃芬, 於金生*. 热胁迫下水稻miR396家族及靶基因OsGRFs 的表达研究. 农业生物技术学报 2018 26(3): 393-400. (一级学报)

14. 卢忠诚, 张玉山, 戴超浩, 许永汉, 於金生*. 水稻产量性状相关基因的克隆及其机理研究进展. 核农学报. 2013,2710):1479~1489 (一级学报)

15. Yu J, Zhang Y, Xu Y. Functional characterization of rice gene OsYDFT, involved in pectin metabolism and C/N balance. Plant and Animal Genomics XXI. San Diego, USA, 2013.

16. Yu J, Liu X, Ye H, Zhou X. Genomic structure of the human mitochondrial tumor suppressor gene 1 (MTUS1) and preliminary analysis of its regulatory regions. BMC Res Notes, 2009, 2:109.   

17. Jinsheng Yu, Yr Fan, N Liu, Y Shan, Xh Li, Qf Zhang. Rapid genome evolution in Pms1 region of rice revealed by comparative sequence analysis. (Chinese) Science Bulletin, 2007, 52 (7): 912-921. (一区 2021年影响因子20.577)

18. Jinsheng Yu, Yourong Fan, Xianghua Li, and Qifa Zhang. Rapid recent genome evolution in the candidate pms1 region revealed by comparative sequence analysis in rice pms1 region. International Rice Functional Genomics Symposium IV. Montpellier, France, 2006, 101.

19. Jinsheng Yu, Qi Feng, Yafang Li, Nan Liu, Yan Shan, Caiguo Xu, Qifa Zhang. Progress in map-based cloning of pms1, a gene for photoperiod-sensitive male sterility in rice. Plant Genomics in China V. Wuhan, China, 2004. 176.

发表文章 (非一作或者通讯)

1. Ali Muhammad, Jianguo Li, Weichen Hu, Jinsheng Yu, Shahid Ullah Khan, Muhammad Hafeez Ullah Khan, Guosheng Xie, Jibin Wang and Lingqiang Wang* Uncovering genomic regions controlling plant architectural traits in hexaploid wheat using different GWAS models. Scientific Report, 2021, 11: 6767. (三区 2021年影响因子4.997)

2. Yourong Fan, Jiangyi Yang, Sandra M. Mathioni, Jinsheng Yu, Xuefei Yang, Lei Wang, Qinghua Zhang, Jianqiang Shen, Zhaoxia Cai, Caiguo Xu, Xianghua Li, Jinghua Xiao, Blake C. Meyers, Qifa Zhang. PMS1T, producing phased small interfering RNAs, regulates photoperiod-sensitive male sterility in rice. PNAS. 2016 113(52): 15144-15149. (一区 2021年影响因子12.779, 作为一个研究了30多年的化石级课题,本人所构建的近等基因系及奠基工作为基因的最终克隆打下了扎实的基础。https://www.sohu.com/a/122451562_407289)

3. Sangeetha Madhavan, Suzann K. Campbell, Rose Campise-Luther, Deborah Gaebler-Spira, Laura Zawacki, April Clar, Kara Boynewicz, Dipti Kale, Michelle Bulanda, Jinsheng Yu, Yi Sui, and Xiaohong Joe Zhou. Correlation between Fractional Anisotropy and Motor Outcomes in One-Year-Old Infants with Periventricular Brain Injury, J Magn Reson Imaging (JMRI), 2014 Apr; 39 (4): 949-57. doi: 10.1002/jmri.24256. Epub 2013 Oct 17 (as chief statistician,二区 2021年影响因子5.119)

4. Suzann K. Campbell1, Deborah Gaebler-Spira, Laura Zawacki, April Clark, Kara Boynewicz, Raye-Ann deRegnier, Maxine M. Kuroda, Rama Bhat, Jinsheng Yu, Rose Campise-Luther, Dipti Kale, Michelle Bulanda, Xiaohong Joe Zhou. Effects on Motor Development of Kicking and Stepping Exercise in Preterm Infants with Periventricular Brain Injury: A Pilot Study. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation. 2012 5: 15-27. (as chief statistician)

5. Liu X, Wang A, Heidbreder CE, Jiang L, Yu J, Kolokythas A, Huang L, Dai Y, Zhou XF. MicroRNA-24 targeting RNA-binding protein DND1 in tongue squamous cell carcinoma. FEBS Lett. 2010 Sep 24; 584 (18): 4115-20. Epub 2010 Sep 4. (三区 2020年影响因子3.864)

6. Jiang L, Liu X, Kolokythas A, Yu J, Wang A, Heidbreder CE, Shi F, Zhou X. Down-regulation of the Rho GTPase signaling pathway is involved in the microRNA-138 mediated inhibition of cell migration and invasion in tongue squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Cancer. 2010 Mar 15. (二区 2020年影响因子7.316)

7. Liu X, Jiang L, Wang A, Yu J, Shi F, Zhou X. MicroRNA-138 suppresses invasion and promotes apoptosis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cell lines. Cancer Lett. 2009, 286(2):217-22. (一区 2020年影响因子8.679)

8. Liu X, Yu J, Jiang L, Wang A, Shi F, Ye H, Zhou X. MicroRNA-222 regulates cell invasion by targeting Matrix Metalloproteinase 1 (MMP1) and Manganese Superoxide Dismutase 2 (SOD2) in tongue squamous cell carcinoma cell Lines. Cancer Genomics Proteomics. 2009 May-Jun; 6(3):131-9.


2009-2010     华中农业大学北美洲校友会副会长

2009-2010    美国统计协会会员

2002-2005    华中农业大学生命科学院研究生党支部书记

1999-2001     华中农业大学生命科学院学生会主席



2.野生二粒小麦7BS上早熟性基因的精细定位与候选基因克隆,10万元,浙江省自然科学面上基金,01/2019– 12/2021

3.miR396参与调控水稻耐高温的分子机理研究,10万元,中国水稻所开放课题,12/2016- 12/2019

4.水稻粒形相关基因OsLIDaOsLIDb的功能研究23万元,国家自然科学青年基金,01/2013- 12/2015

5.水稻OsLID基因调控种子大小的功能研究,5万元,浙江省自然科学青年基金,01/2012– 12/2014

6.miRNA参与光敏核不育水稻育性转换的分子机理研究,7万元,9499www威尼斯启动基金,10/2010– 9/2013


1.热激因子OsHsfA4d介导水稻对条斑病菌响应的机制研究5万元,,9499www威尼斯启动基金01/2021– 12/2023排名3/6                

2.陆地棉GhGIR2基因调控茎秆茸毛发育的分子机理研究10万元,浙江省自然科学面上基金01/2021– 12/2023排名2/5   

3.野生二粒小麦3AL染色体臂上春化基因的精细定位及候选基因分析28.8万元,国家自然科学青年基金01/2021– 12/2023排名2/5  

4.低温下海岛棉β-酮脂酰-CoA合酶14GbKCS14)调控海岛棉纤维发育的分子机理10万元,浙江省自然科学面上基金,01/2019– 12/2021排名2/5   

5.野生二粒小麦4AL染色体臂上光周期敏感基因的精细定位与候选基因克隆71.15万元,国家自然科学面上基金,01/2017– 12/2020排名3/5

6.海岛棉茎秆茸毛性状的遗传与基因定位23万元,国家自然科学青年基金01/2013– 12/2015排名5/9

7.普通小麦遗传背景下野生二粒小麦耐盐候选基因的遗传和定位20万元,国家自然科学青年基金01/2013– 12/2015排名3/6


9.Collaborative Research: A Clinical Trial of Physical Therapy to Promote Locomotion in Infants with White Matter Injury$86,320, UIC Center for Clinical and Translational Science, 01/2007– 12/2012

10.水稻抗逆等重要农艺性状相关功能基因研究$55,558,200,  863重大专项12/2002– 12/2005


Courses ranging from entry-level for non-majors to graduate topics

作物育种各论                      (50%, every Spring semester)

农业专业外语                      (100%, every Spring semester)

田间试验与统计分析          (50%, every Fall semester)


Email: jinshyu@zafu.edu.cn





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