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2018.09-2022.09 浙江大学,农业与生物技术学院,作物遗传育种,博士

2008.09-2011.04 浙江理工大学,生命科学学院,生化与分子生物学,硕士

2004.09-2008.06 浙江理工大学,生命科学学院,生物技术,本科


2022.11-至今      9499www威尼斯,讲师

2014.12-2018.07 9499www威尼斯农业与食品科学学院,助理研究员

2011.04-2014.11 9499www威尼斯农业与食品科学学院,助理实验师















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2、郝焕凤, 代华琴, 曹跃芬*.植物微丝骨架的研究进展. 基因组学与应用生物学, 2016, 35(11): 3205-3209.

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13Ding M, Cao Y, He S, et al. GaHD1, a candidate gene for the Gossypium arboreum SMA-4 mutant, promotes trichome and fiber initiation by cellular H2O2 and Ca2+ signals. Plant Molecular Biology, 2020, 103(4):409-423.

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15Ding M, Ye W, Lin L, He S, Du X, Chen A, Cao Y, Qin Y, Yang F, Jiang Y, Zhang H, Wang X, Paterson AH., Rong J*. The hairless stem phenotype of cotton (Gossypium barbadense) is linked to a Copia-Like Retrotransposon insertion in a homeodomain-leucine zipper gene (HD1). Genetics, 2015, 201: 143-154.

16Jiang Y, Ding M, Cao Y, Yang F, Zhang H, He S, Dai H, Hao H, Rong J*. Genetic fine mapping and candidate gene analysis of the Gossypium hirsutum Ligon lintless-1 (Li1) mutant on chromosome 22(D). Molecular Genetics and Genomics, 2015, 290(6), 2199-2211.

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