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2001.09-2009.03    浙江大学,浙江大学昆虫科学研究所,农业昆虫与害虫防治,博士

1997.09-2001.07    浙江大学(原浙江农业大学),农业与生物技术学院,植物保护,本科


2019.12-至   今         9499www威尼斯,教授

2014.11-2015.11         瑞士Neuchatel大学生物系,高级访问学者

2012.10-2019.12         9499www威尼斯农业与食品科学学院,副教授

2011.12-2012.10         9499www威尼斯农业与食品科学学院,讲师

2009.04-2011.12         浙江大学生物化学与分子生物学博士后流动站,博士后


[1] 浙江省重点研发领雁项目. 大宗粮食仓储关键技术及装备-浙江省大宗粮食仓储减损增效关键技术与装备研发(2022C02020). 2022/01-2024/12. 主持(纵向)

[2] 国家自然科学基金面上项目. 水稻OsDLT介导茉莉酸和油菜素内酯信号途径互作调控虫害诱导防御反应的机制研究(32072508. 2021/01-2024/12. 主持(纵向)

[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目. OsRCI遗传多态性及其在水稻诱导抗虫防御反应中的功能与作用机制(31572020. 2016/01-2019/12. 主持(纵向)

[4] 国家自然科学基金(青年)项目. 若干新发现的虫害诱导水稻脂氧合酶基因的功能解析(31101451). 2012/01-2014/12. 主持(纵向)

[5] 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目. 转录因子OsDLT在水稻诱导抗虫防御反应中的功能与作用机理(LY19C140005. 2019/01-2022/12. 主持(纵向)

[6] 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目. OsRCI在水稻诱导抗虫防御反应中的功能其及机理(LY14C140004. 2014/01-2016/12. 主持(纵向)

[7] 国家重点研发计划(子课题). 散粮集装箱运输害虫治理技术与装备集成研发(2018YFD0401403-03. 2018/07-2020.12. 参与(纵向)

[8] 浙江省重点研发项目. 浙江省储粮生态区有害生物智慧检测与绿色综合防控技术研究及示范(2018C02050). 2018/01-2021/03. 参与(纵向)

[9] 国家自然基金-中外合作项目. Dimensions 合作研究项目:片段化景观中谱系、功能、遗传多样性与生态系统功能研究(31361123001. 2014/01-2018/12.参与(纵向)


[1] Liao ZH#, Wang L#, Li CZ#, Cao MJ, Wang JN, Yao ZL, Zhou SY, Zhou GX*, Zhang DY*, Lou YG*. 2022. The lipoxygenase gene OsRCI-1 is involved in the biosynthesis of herbivore-induced JAs and regulates plant defense and growth in rice. Plant, Cell & Environment, 45: 2827-2840

[2] Sabier M#, Wang JR#, Zhang T, Jin JD, Wang ZJ, Shen B, Deng JY, Liu XQ*, Zhou GX*. 2022. The attractiveness of a food based lure and its component volatiles to the stored-grain pest Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.). Journal of Stored Products Research, 98: 102000

[3] Wang ZJ#, Xie YJ#, Sabier M, Zhang T, Deng JY, Song XM, Liao ZH, Li QG, Yang SX, Cao Y, Liu XQ*, Zhou GX*. 2021. Trans-anethole is a potent toxic fumigant that partially inhibits rusty grain beetle (Crytolestes ferrugineus) acetylcholinesterase activity. Industrial Crops & Products, 161:113207

[4] Wang JR, Xu ZH, Zhou GX*. 2020. Description of a new species of Aleuroclava Singh, 1931 (Hemiptera, Aleyrodidae) infesting Schima superba from China. ZooKeys, 991: 121-128

[5] Xu H, Zhou GX, Dotterl S, Schaffler I, Degen T, Chen L, Turlings TCJ*. 2020. Distinct roles of cuticular aldehydes as pheromonal cues in two Cotesia parasitoids. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 46: 128-137

[6] Xu H, Zhou GX, Dotterl S, Schaffler I, von Arx M, Roder G, Degen T, Chen L, Turlings TCJ*. 2019. The combined use of an attractive and a repellent sex pheromonal component by a gregarious parasitoid. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 45: 559-569

[7] Ge YF#, Han JY#, Zhou GX#, Xu YM, Ding Y, Shi M, Guo CK, Wu G*. 2018. Silencing of miR156 confers enhanced resistance to brown planthopper in rice. Planta, 248: 813-826

[8] Lv K, Zhou J, Gu JQ, Zhou GX, Wang W and Xu ZH*. 2018. Habitat fragmentation influences gene structure and gene differentiation among the Loxoblemmus aomoriensis populations in the Thousand Island Lake. Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 29: 2, 222-227

[9] Xu G, Desurmont G, Degen T, Zhou GX, Laplanche D, Henryk L and Turlings TCJ*. 2017. Combined use of herbivore-induced plant volatiles and sex pheromones for mate location in braconid parasitoids. Plant, Cell and Environment, 40: 330-339

[10] Zhou GX, Ren N, Qi JF, Lu J, Xiang CY, Ju HP, Cheng JA and Lou YG*. 2014. The 9-lipoxygenase Osr9-LOX1 interacts with the 13-lipoxygenase-mediated pathway to regulate resistance to chewing and piercing-sucking herbivores in rice. Physiologia Plantarum, 152: 59-69

[11] Wang FM, Deng JY*, Schal C, Lou YG, Zhou GX, Ye BB, Yin YH, Xu ZH and Shen LZ. 2016. Non-host plant volatiles disrupt sex pheromone communication in a specialist herbivore. Scientific Reports, 6:32666/doi: 10.1038/srep32666

[12] Hu LF, Ye M, Li R, Zhang TF, Zhou GX, Wang Q, Lu J and Lou YG*. 2015. The rice transcription factor WRKY53 suppresses herbivore-induced defenses by acting as a negative feedback modulator of mitogen-activated protein kinase activity. Plant Physiology, 169: 2907-2921

[13] Li R, Zhang J, Li JC, Zhou GX, Wang Q, Bian WB, Erb M, Lou YG*. 2015, Prioritizing plant defence over growth through WRKY regulation facilitates infestation by non-target herbivores. eLife, 4:e04805. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.04805

[14] Wang BH#, Zhou GX#, Xin ZJ, Ji R and Lou YG*. 2015. (Z)-3-Hexenal, one of the green leaf volatiles, increases susceptibility of rice to the white-backed planthopper Sogatella furcifera. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 33: 377-387

[15] Shen LZ, Chen PZ, Xu ZH, Deng JY*, Harris MK, Wanna RC, Wang FM, Zhou GX, Yao ZL. 2013. Effect of larvae treated with mixed biopesticide Bacillus thuringiensis-abamectin on sex pheromone communication system in cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. Plos One, 8(7): e68756

[16] Zhou GX, Ren Nan, Qi JF, Lu J, Xiang CY, Ju HP, Cheng JA and Lou YG*. 2014. The 9-lipoxygenase Osr9-LOX1 interacts with the 13-lipoxygenase-mediated pathway to regulate resistance to chewing and piercing-sucking herbivores in rice. Physiologia Plantarum, 152: 59-69

[17] Tong XH#, Qi JF#, Zhu XD, Mao BZ, Zeng LJ, Wang BH, Li Qun, Zhou GX, Xu XJ, Lou YG* and He ZH*. 2012. The rice hydroperoxide lyase OsHPL3 functions in defense responses by modulating the oxylipin pathway. Plant Journal, 71: 763-775

[18] Lu J#, Ju HP#, Zhou GX#, Zhu CS, Erb M, Wang XP, Wang P and Lou YG. 2011. An EAR-motif-containing ERF transcription factor affects herbivore-induced signaling, defense and resistance in rice. Plant Journal, 68(4): 583-596

[19] Qi JF, Zhou GX, Yang LJ, Erb M, Lu YH, Sun XL, Cheng JA and Lou YG*. 2011. The chloroplast-localized phospholipases Dα4 and Dα5 regulate herbivore-induced direct and indirect defenses in rice. Plant Physiology, 157: 1987-1999

[20] Zhou GX, Wang X, Yan F, Wang X, Li R, Cheng JA, Lou YG*. 2011.Genome-wide transcriptional changes and defense-related chemical profiling of rice in response to infestation by the rice stripped stem borer Chilo suppressalis. Physiologia Plantarum, 143: 21-40

[21] Zhou GX, Qi JF, Ren N, Cheng JA, Erb M, Mao BZ, Lou YG*.2009. Silencing OsHI-LOX makes rice more susceptible to chewing herbivores, butenhances resistance to a phloem-feeder. Plant Journal, 60: 638-648









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