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【发布时间:2021-10-27 14:01:17  点击量:

谢永坚,男,1982年8月生,江西广昌人,9499www威尼斯植物保护专业专任教师,硕士生导师,中共党员,浙江省科技特派员,主要从事农业数字化,以及农林害虫绿色防治技术研究与应用。主持或参与各类科研项目20余项,发表SCI期刊论文20余篇。研究方向:①白蚁灾变机理及绿色防控;② 有害生物综合防治;③生物质的生物转化与利用。


2002/09-2006/07  华中农业大学,学士

2007/09-2013/07  华中农业大学,博士


2013/07-至今   9499www威尼斯  9499www威尼斯  讲师


Industrial Crops & Products,International Biodeterioration& Biodegradation,Journal of Applied Microbiology,Food andChemicalToxicology, Environmental Nanotechnology Monitoring & Management,International Journal of Polymer Science, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology,Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology,Journal of Essential Oil Research,Journal of Coatings Technology and Research,Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry,International Journal of Tropical Insect Science,Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants,Medicinal Chemistry等SCI杂志审稿人。Journal of Botanical Research编委。


1. 南通园林白蚁危害动态监测与综合治理

2. 杭州市文物保护单位白蚁危害专项调查



5. 白蚁防治药剂的毒力和传递

6. 白蚁防治材料添加物的筛选

7. 果树害虫梨小食心虫高效引诱剂研发

8. 印度谷螟雌雄两性高效引诱剂研究与应用 


1. XiYang, HuiHan, BaolingLi, DayuZhang*, ZhilinZhang, YangjianXie*.Fumigant toxicity and physiological effects of spearmint (Menthaspicata, Lamiaceae) essential oil and its major constituents against Reticulitermesdabieshanensis. Industrial Crops & Products, 2021, 171:113894.

2.Zhunjing Wang#, YongjianXie#, MaidinaiSabier, Tao Zhang, Jianyu Deng, Xuming Song, Zhihong Liao, Qingguang Li, Shengxiang Yang, Yang Cao, Xingquan Liu*, Guoxin Zhou*.Trans-anethole is a potent toxic fumigant that partially inhibits rusty grain beetle (Cryptolestesferrugineus) acetylcholinesterase activity. Industrial Crops & Products, 2021, 161:113207.

3.YongjianXie, HuiJin, XiYang, QinGu, DayuZhang*.Toxicity of the essential oil from Thymus serpyllum and thymol to larvae and pupae of the housefly Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27:35330-35340.

4. YuehongCai, XianHu, PanWang, YongjianXie, ZhufengLin, Zhilin Zhang*. Biological activity and safety profile of monoterpenes against Plutellaxylostella L. (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27:24889-24901.

5. YongjianXie, QianqianHuang, YuqingRao, LiangHong, Dayu Zhang*. Efficacy of Origanum vulgare essential oil and carvacrol against the housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26:23824-23831.

6. LijunZhou, ZhilinZhang, MiWei, YongjianXie, Shan He, Hongan Shi, ZhufenLin*.Evaluation of the antifungal activity of individual and combined monoterpenes against Rhizopusstolonifer and Absidiacoerulea. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26:7804-7809.

7. Zhilin Zhang, YongjianXie, XianHu, Hongan Shi, Mi Wei, Zhufen Lin*.Antifungal Activity of Monoterpenes against Botryosphaeriadothidea. Natural Product Communications, 2018, 13:1721-1724.

8. YiyuanLiao, Haihong Chen, Shengli Liu, YongjianXie, DayuZhang*. The complete mitochondrial genome of drywood termite, Incisitermes minor (Isoptera: Kalotermitidae). Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 2018, 3:324-325.

9. YongjianXie, ZhunjingWang, Qianqian Huang, Dayu Zhang*.Antifungal activity of several essential oils and major components against wood-rot fungi. Industrial Crops & Products, 2017, 108:278-285.

10. Zhilin Zhang, YongjianXie, Yong Wang, Zhufen Lin*, Lihua Wang, Guoyuan Li. Toxicities of monoterpenes against housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24:24708-24713.

11. YongjianXie, QianqianHuang, ZhunjingWang, Haiyan Cao, Dayu Zhang*.Structure-activity relationships of cinnamaldehyde and eugenol derivatives against plant pathogenic fungi. Industrial Crops & Products, 2017, 97:388-394.

12. Zhilin Zhang, TingYang, NaMi, YongWang, Guoyuan Li,Lihua Wang, YongjianXie*. Antifungal activity of monoterpenes against wood white-rotfungi.International Biodeterioration& Biodegradation, 2016, 106:157-160.

13. Zhilin Zhang, Ting Yang, YikeZhang,Lihua Wang, YongjianXie*.Fumigant toxicity of monoterpenes against fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster.Industrial Crops & Products, 2016, 81:147-151.

14. YongjianXie, ZhilinYang, DanyuCao, FeiRong, Hao Ding, Dayu Zhang*. Antitermitic and antifungal activities of eugenol and its congeners from the flower buds of Syzgiumaromaticum (clove). Industrial Crops & Products, 2015, 77:780-786.

15. YongjianXie, MangLi, QiuyingHuang, ChaoliangLei*.Chemical Composition and Termiticidal Activity of Essential Oils from Different Tissues of Chinese Cedar (Cryptomeriafortunei).Natural Product Communications, 2014, 9:719-22.

16. YongjianXie, KunWang, QiuyingHuang, ChaoliangLei*.Evaluation toxicity of monoterpenes to subterranean termite, Reticulitermeschinensis Snyder. Industrial Crops & Products, 2014, 53:163-166.

17. YongjianXie, Qiuying Huang, Chaoliang Lei*.Chemical composition and seasonal variation of Cryptomeriafortunei essential oil from China. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 2013, 25:424-430.

18. YongjianXie, Qiuying Huang, Chaoliang Lei*.Bioassay-guided isolation and identification of antitermitic active compound from the leaf of Chinese cedar (CryptomeriafortuneiHooibrenk).ormerly Natural Product Letters, 2013, 27:2137-2139.

19. YongjianXie, Qin Du, Qiuying Huang, Chaoliang Lei*.Evaluation of formic acid toxicity to subterranean termite, Reticulitermeschinensis Snyder.Sociobiology, 2013, 60:453-458.

20. YongjianXie, Qiuying Huang, Fenglian Yang, Chaoliang Lei*.Chemical variation in essential oil of Cryptomeriafortunei from various areas of China.Industrial Crops & Products, 2012, 36:308-312.

21. YongjianXie, JialuWang, Fenglian Yang, Chaoliang Lei*.Comparative analysis of essential oil components of two Cryptomeria species from China. Industrial Crops & Products, 2011, 34:1226-1230.

22. Yuwei Hu, YongjianXie, FenZhu, ChengbinWang, Chaoliang Lei*.Variation in sexual size dimorphism among populations: testing the differential-plasticity hypothesis. EntomologiaExperimentalisetApplicata, 2010, 137:204-209.








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